3. Be open to researching and visiting homes that may be a little outside the box for you. In my years of experience, more often than not, buyers surprise themselves by purchasing homes that were never on their have-to list originally. When showing homes, I like to throw in an outlier (if the buyers allow.) It is always rewarding to me to see a Buyer’s face light up as they walk into a house and feel the connection with that house.
4. Lastly - also something I share with my buyers - in this very high tech world, the Internet is a great place to start your initial home search…however, nothing takes the place of boots on the ground; walking through a home and feeling and having that experience.
Home means different things to all of us, and sometimes that cannot be put into words. Doing the homework, experiencing the home, and thinking about your future life experiences in that home will guide you to your perfect home! - Anastasia Kamper